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Top B2B Marketing Strategies to Help Elevate Sales Lead Conversions

Written by Corey Cantrell | Sep 17, 2024 3:00:00 PM

The relationship between marketing and sales is often complex, but it’s one that can drive tremendous success if cultivated properly. The goal is clear: converting leads into customers. However, getting leads through the door is just the first step. The real challenge lies in increasing the rate at which these leads turn into sales-qualified leads, and eventually, paying customers. How can B2B marketers strategically design campaigns to boost sales lead conversions?

Understanding the Journey from Lead to Sales

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is the process of attracting potential customers (or leads) and capturing their interest in your product or service to nurture them into sales opportunities. These leads can come from various marketing efforts, such as content marketing, paid advertising, email campaigns, and events.

Combining Sales Development and Demand Generation

While lead generation gets people interested, sales development focuses on converting those interested individuals into SQLs—leads that are not only interested but also fit the criteria of a potential buyer. SDRs are often responsible for engaging leads further and ensuring they’re passed on to sales teams at the right moment.

However, demand generation goes a step further by creating awareness and interest in a product or service even before the lead generation process begins. It includes tactics like content marketing, webinars, and social media campaigns aimed at educating and engaging your target audience. Demand generation not only nurtures leads but also warms them up, making the lead handoff process from marketing to sales that much easier.

Why Sales Lead Conversions Matter

Marketers may focus on generating as many leads as possible, but if those leads don’t turn into paying customers, all your efforts are essentially wasted. According to an industry study, 79% of leads never convert into sales. Poor lead nurturing and inefficient lead handoff between marketing and sales teams are major contributors to this challenge.

As a B2B marketer, your goal should not only be to generate leads but also to convert them. This requires a strategic, well-coordinated approach between your marketing and sales teams, one that ensures a seamless journey from prospect to paying customer. Here’s how you can achieve that through strategic campaigns.

1. Align Marketing and Sales Teams for Better Lead Handoff

One of the biggest hurdles to lead conversion is the disjointed relationship between marketing and sales teams. Often, marketing will pass off leads to sales without clear communication about the lead’s behavior, interests, or pain points. Without this information, sales reps may struggle to make a meaningful connection with the lead, leading to missed opportunities.

How to Align Marketing and Sales

  • Shared Definitions: Both teams must agree on key definitions, such as what constitutes a marketing qualified lead versus a sales qualified lead. Having clear criteria ensures that leads are passed on to sales at the right stage in the buyer’s journey.
  • Regular Communication: Establish weekly or bi-weekly meetings between marketing and sales teams to discuss ongoing campaigns, lead progress, and any challenges the sales team may be facing in converting leads.
  • Lead Scoring Models: Implement lead scoring models that quantify the quality and readiness of a lead. This allows sales reps to prioritize their efforts on high-quality leads most likely to convert into SQLs.

Example Strategy: ABM

Account-based marketing is an excellent strategy for aligning marketing and sales. It involves targeting specific high-value accounts with personalized marketing campaigns. Since ABM is account-focused, both marketing and sales teams must work together from the beginning, ensuring a unified approach to nurturing leads.

Getting started with ABM:

  1. Identify Target Accounts: Sales and marketing collaborate to identify high-value accounts worth targeting.
  2. Develop Personalized Content: Create highly tailored content and messaging for each account.
  3. Match Efforts: Sales and marketing teams should both be involved in nurturing these accounts and closing deals, using the same playbook.

2. Develop Effective Lead Nurturing Campaigns

Lead generation campaigns are often focused on acquiring new leads, but many of these leads are not yet ready to buy. A lead nurturing campaign is essential for building relationships with these leads over time, warming them up for the sales team.

Key Components of a Lead Nurturing Campaign

  • Email Automation: Use drip campaigns to automatically send educational content and case studies to leads over a specific period. This keeps your brand top-of-mind and nurtures trust without overwhelming the prospect with sales messages.
  • Personalized Messaging: Ensure that your email and content offer personalization based on the lead’s behavior, industry, or pain points. Personalization can increase engagement rates by as much as 50%.
  • Content Mapping: Map out different types of content to various stages of the buyer’s journey. This ensures that leads receive the right information at the right time.

For instance…

    • Top of the Funnel: Educational content like blog posts, eBooks, and webinars.
    • Middle of the Funnel: Case studies, whitepapers, and product comparisons.
    • Bottom of the Funnel: Free trials, demos, or consultations.

3. Optimize Your Sales Funnel for Better Conversions

Another key strategy for boosting sales lead conversions is to optimize your sales funnel. Each stage of the funnel represents a different phase in the buyer’s journey, from initial awareness to the final purchase. By identifying bottlenecks and making improvements at each stage, you can increase the likelihood that a lead will progress further down the funnel.

Stages of the Sales Funnel

  1. Awareness: This is where demand generation campaigns come in, making leads aware of your product or service.
  2. Interest: Once the lead is captured, they start researching solutions. Marketing plays a critical role here by providing educational content.
  3. Consideration: Leads are now comparing different solutions. Case studies, testimonials, and product demos are particularly effective at this stage.
  4. Decision: The final stage where the lead is ready to buy but may need one final push from the sales team.

Optimizing the Marketing Funnel

Ensure that your landing pages are conversion-focused, with clear calls-to-actions and minimal distractions. You should also be regularly testing different pieces of your marketing campaigns, including emails, landing pages, and ad copy. This will help you identify what resonates most with your audience and optimize accordingly. Lastly, it’s important to equip your sales team with relevant content, such as case studies and whitepapers, that they can send to leads during the consideration stage to address common pain points.

4. Use Retargeting Ads to Re-Engage Cold Leads

Many leads will interact with your brand but not convert on the first visit. This is where retargeting comes into play. Retargeting ads allow you to stay in front of these potential customers and bring them back into the funnel.

Why Retargeting Works

Only 2% of website visitors convert on their first visit. Retargeting ads help bring back the other 98% by showing them ads for products or services they’ve already shown interest in. This tactic can significantly increase your conversion rates while keeping your brand top of mind.

Best Practices for Retargeting

  • Segment Your Audience: Not all leads are at the same stage of the buying journey. Create different retargeting ads for leads based on their level of engagement.
  • Dynamic Ads: Use dynamic retargeting ads to show personalized content or products that the lead has already interacted with on your site.
  • Frequency Capping: Be careful not to overwhelm your leads with too many retargeting ads. Set limits on how often a lead will see your ads to avoid ad fatigue.

5. Measure and Analyze Your Campaigns

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. The final piece of boosting sales lead conversions is measuring and analyzing the performance of your campaigns. By tracking key metrics, you can identify what’s working, what’s not, and where there are opportunities to improve.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that turn into SQLs.
  • Lead-to-Customer Ratio: The percentage of leads that become paying customers.
  • Time-to-Close: The average time it takes to convert a lead into a customer.
  • Cost per Lead: The amount spent on marketing to acquire a single lead.
  • Return on Investment: The overall profitability of your marketing campaigns.

Tools for Measuring Campaign Success

  • Google Analytics: Track traffic sources, behavior, and conversions on your website.
  • Sales Software: Use CRM tools like HubSpot or Salesforce to track and analyze lead behavior, pipeline stages, and sales performance.
  • Marketing Automation Platforms: Platforms like Marketo or Pardot can help you track email campaign performance, lead scoring, and attribution data.

Continuous Improvement Through Analytics

Analyzing campaign data allows you to continuously improve your marketing efforts. For example, if you notice that a certain email campaign has a low open rate, you can A/B test subject lines to improve performance. Or, if a landing page isn’t converting well, you can tweak the design or copy to better appeal to your target audience.


Boosting sales lead conversions in the B2B space requires more than just generating leads. It demands a strategic approach that encompasses demand generation, lead nurturing, and close collaboration between marketing and sales teams. By optimizing your sales funnel, leveraging retargeting ads, and continuously measuring your performance, you can ensure that more of your leads progress through the funnel and become paying customers.

Incorporating strategies like account-based marketing, lead nurturing campaigns, and retargeting not only increases lead conversion rates but also strengthens the relationship between marketing and sales. As a result, your business will see a more efficient and effective sales process, driving long-term revenue growth.

By taking a strategic, data-driven approach to lead generation, sales development, and demand generation, B2B marketers can significantly boost the conversion of leads into sales-qualified leads—and ultimately, paying customers.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to boost your sales lead conversion rate, check out our product IQDirect – a way to increase brand engagement through capturing leads that are raising their hand to learn more.