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Top 5 Demand Generation Tips for Marketing to Finance Decision Makers

Written by Chris Rack | Jun 27, 2024 1:03:25 PM

How to create and deliver content that resonates with finance audiences and drives them to take action 



Finance decision makers are a crucial segment for many B2B marketers, as they often have the final say on whether a purchase is approved or not. However, reaching and influencing finance professionals can be challenging, as they tend to be busy, skeptical, and risk-averse. How can you create and deliver content that captures their attention, builds trust, and motivates them to take the next step in the buyer's journey? 

In this blog post, we will share five tips for demand generation that can help you market more effectively to finance decision makers. These tips are based on our experience working with finance clients and industry best practices. By following these tips, you can create content that: 

  • Addresses the specific pain points and goals of finance professionals 
  • Shows the value and ROI of your solution 
  • Provides credible and relevant evidence to support your claims 
  • Aligns with the finance buyer's journey and decision criteria 
  • Uses the right channels and formats to reach and engage finance audiences 

Let's dive into each tip and see how you can apply them to your demand generation strategy. 

Tip 1: Address the specific pain points and goals of finance professionals 

One of the most important steps in demand generation is to understand your target audience and tailor your content to their needs and interests. This is especially true for finance decision makers, who have unique pain points and goals that differ from other segments. For example, some of the common challenges that finance professionals face are: 

  • Managing cash flow and working capital 
  • Reducing costs and increasing efficiency 
  • Ensuring compliance and mitigating risks 
  • Driving growth and innovation 
  • Aligning with business strategy and stakeholder expectations 

To create content that resonates with finance decision makers, you need to address these pain points and show how your solution can help them overcome them. You also need to highlight the benefits and outcomes that your solution can deliver, such as: 

  • Improving cash flow and liquidity 
  • Optimizing spend and resource allocation 
  • Enhancing visibility and control 
  • Accelerating time to value and ROI 
  • Supporting strategic decision making and business performance 

By focusing on the pain points and goals of finance professionals, you can create content that speaks to their specific needs and interests, and shows that you understand their challenges and aspirations. 

Show the value and ROI of your solution 

Finance decision makers are often responsible for approving and managing budgets, and they are always looking for ways to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of their spending. Therefore, when marketing to finance professionals, you need to show them the value and ROI of your solution, and how it can help them achieve their financial objectives. 

One of the best ways to show the value and ROI of your solution is to use quantifiable metrics and data that demonstrate the impact and results of your solution. For example, you can use: 

  • Case studies and testimonials that showcase the success stories and outcomes of your existing finance clients 
  • Benchmarks and industry averages that compare the performance and results of your solution with other alternatives 
  • Calculators and tools that estimate the potential savings, revenue, and ROI of your solution for your prospects 

By using quantifiable metrics and data, you can provide concrete and credible evidence that your solution can deliver value and ROI for finance decision makers, and help them justify their purchase decision. 

Provide credible and relevant evidence to support your claims

One of the best ways to provide credible and relevant evidence is to use authoritative and reputable sources that validate and endorse your solution. For example, you can use: 

Finance decision makers are often skeptical and analytical, and they require a lot of information and evidence to evaluate and trust a solution. Therefore, when marketing to finance professionals, you need to provide credible and relevant evidence to support your claims, and show that your solution is reliable and trustworthy. 

  • Third-party research and reports that highlight the trends, challenges, and best practices in the finance industry and your solution category 
  • Awards and recognition that showcase the quality and excellence of your solution and your company 
  • Certifications and accreditations that verify the security, compliance, and standards of your solution and your company 

By using authoritative and reputable sources, you can provide credible and relevant evidence that your solution is trusted and respected by the finance industry and your peers, and that you have the expertise and authority to solve their problems. 

Align with the finance buyer's journey and decision criteria 

Finance decision makers are often involved in complex and lengthy buying processes, and they have different roles and responsibilities at each stage of the buyer's journey. Therefore, when marketing to finance professionals, you need to align your content with the finance buyer's journey and decision criteria, and provide the right information and value proposition at each stage. 

One of the best ways to align your content with the finance buyer's journey and decision criteria is to use a content mapping framework that matches your content to the buyer's persona, stage, and goal. For example, you can use: 

  • Buyer persona: A profile of your ideal finance decision maker, including their demographics, psychographics, pain points, goals, and preferences 
  • Buyer stage: The stage of the buyer's journey that your finance decision maker is in, such as awareness, consideration, or decision 
  • Buyer goal: The goal or objective that your finance decision maker is trying to achieve at each stage, such as identifying a problem, evaluating solutions, or selecting a vendor 

By using a content mapping framework, you can align your content with the finance buyer's journey and decision criteria, and provide the right information and value proposition at each stage. 

Use the right channels and formats to reach and engage finance audiences 

Finance decision makers are often busy and hard to reach, and they have different preferences and habits for consuming content. Therefore, when marketing to finance professionals, you need to use the right channels and formats to reach and engage finance audiences, and optimize your content for their consumption behavior. 

One of the best ways to use the right channels and formats to reach and engage finance audiences is to use a content distribution and promotion strategy that leverages the most effective and preferred channels and formats for finance professionals. For example, you can use: 

  • Email marketing: A direct and personalized way to communicate with finance decision makers and nurture them with relevant and valuable content 
  • Social media marketing: A powerful and popular way to reach and engage finance decision makers and amplify your content and brand awareness 
  • Webinars and podcasts: A dynamic and interactive way to educate and inform finance decision makers and showcase your thought leadership and expertise 

By using the right channels and formats to reach and engage finance audiences, you can optimize your content for their consumption behavior and increase your reach and engagement 


Marketing to finance decision makers can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding if you follow these five tips for demand generation. By creating and delivering content that addresses their pain points and goals, shows the value and ROI of your solution, provides credible and relevant evidence, aligns with their buyer's journey and decision criteria, and uses the right channels and formats, you can market more effectively to finance professionals and drive them to take action. 

If you need help with creating and delivering content that resonates with finance decision makers, contact us today. We are a content marketing agency that specializes in B2B marketing and finance industry. We can help you create and deliver content that generates demand and drives results for your business.