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How to Generate Demand in B2B During Tough Economic Times

Written by Chris Rack | Jun 11, 2024 2:59:17 PM

Four key tactics to help you reach and engage your target accounts 

As a b2b marketer, you know how challenging it can be to generate demand for your products or services in a normal economy. But when times are tough, and budgets are tight, it can seem almost impossible to get the attention and interest of your ideal customers. 

However, tough times also present opportunities for savvy marketers who can adapt and innovate. In this blog, we will share four key tactics that can help you generate demand in b2b during tough economic times. These tactics are based on the latest research and best practices from leading b2b marketers, and they can help you make the most of your limited resources and stand out from the crowd. 

Use intent data to identify and prioritize target accounts for maximum return with limited resources 

Intent data is the digital footprint that your potential customers leave behind when they research topics, products, or services related to your business. By analyzing intent data, you can identify and prioritize the accounts that are most likely to buy from you, and tailor your marketing messages and offers to their specific needs and pain points. 

Intent data can help you generate demand in b2b during tough economic times by: 

  • Reducing the cost and time of lead generation and qualification 
  • Increasing the conversion and retention rates of your marketing campaigns 
  • Enhancing the alignment and collaboration between marketing and sales teams 
  • Improving the customer experience and loyalty 

To leverage intent data, you need to have access to a reliable and comprehensive source of data, such as a third-party provider or a platform that aggregates data from multiple sources. You also need to have a clear understanding of your ideal customer profile, your buyer personas, and your buyer journey. This will help you segment and score your target accounts based on their level of intent and readiness to buy. 

Replace high-ticket in-person events with digital tactics and micro events 

In-person events have been a staple of b2b marketing for decades, but the costs are only going up and return on investment only going down.  Travel and event costs alone are up over 20% in the past 12 months, making it more difficult drive profits given the high cost of big ticket events.  

Digital tactics and micro events can help you generate demand in b2b during tough economic times by: 

  • Expanding your reach and audience beyond geographical and logistical constraints 
  • Reducing the cost and risk of hosting and attending large-scale events 
  • Increasing the engagement and interaction with your prospects and customers 
  • Providing more flexibility and personalization for your attendees 

To make the most of your digital tactics and micro events, you need to have a clear objective, a compelling value proposition, and a well-defined target audience. You also need to choose the right format, platform, and content for your event, and promote it effectively before, during, and after the event. Finally, you need to measure and analyze the results of your event, and follow up with your attendees to nurture them along the buyer journey. 

Go against the grain, email and phone marketing is crowded, try unique tactics like direct mail 

Email and phone marketing are still effective ways to generate demand in b2b, but they are also very crowded and competitive. According to HubSpot, the average b2b email open rate is 15.1%, and the average b2b phone call answer rate is 9%. This means that you need to send a lot of emails and make a lot of calls to get a response from your prospects. 

That's why you should consider going against the grain, and try unique tactics like direct mail. Direct mail is the physical delivery of marketing materials, such as letters, postcards, brochures, or gifts, to your prospects or customers. Direct mail can help you generate demand in b2b during tough economic times by: 

  • Grabbing the attention and curiosity of your recipients 
  • Creating a memorable and lasting impression of your brand 
  • Building trust and credibility with your prospects and customers 
  • Driving action and response from your recipients 

To succeed with direct mail, you need to have a clear goal, a creative and relevant offer, and a targeted and accurate mailing list. You also need to integrate your direct mail with your other marketing channels, such as email, phone, or social media, to create a consistent and seamless customer journey. Finally, you need to track and measure the impact of your direct mail, and optimize your strategy accordingly. 

On social media, your company should have a personality and your employees should have a brand 

Social media is not only a place to share your content and promote your products or services, but also a place to build relationships and trust with your prospects and customers. To generate demand in b2b during tough economic times, you need to humanize your company and your employees on social media, and show your personality and your brand. 

Having a personality and a brand on social media can help you generate demand in b2b during tough economic times by: 

  • Increasing your visibility and awareness among your target audience 
  • Establishing your authority and thought leadership in your industry 
  • Engaging and influencing your prospects and customers with valuable and relevant content 
  • Generating referrals and recommendations from your network 

To create a personality and a brand on social media, you need to have a clear and consistent voice, tone, and style for your company and your employees. You also need to choose the right platforms, formats, and topics for your content, and share it regularly and strategically. Finally, you need to interact and communicate with your audience, and encourage them to share their feedback, questions, and opinions. 


Generating demand in b2b during tough economic times is not easy, but it is possible. By using intent data, digital tactics and micro events, direct mail, and social media, you can reach and engage your target accounts, and drive them to take action. These tactics are not only effective, but also cost-efficient and innovative, and they can help you stand out from the competition and grow your business.