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Generate More Demand from HR decision makers

Written by Chris Rack | Jul 5, 2024 4:49:22 PM

Learn how to use peer review sites, high quality lead providers, and intent data to attract and convert more prospects into customers. 


Demand generation is the process of creating and nurturing interest in your products or services among your target audience. It is not just about generating leads, but also about building trust, credibility, and authority in your market. Demand generation is essential for any business, but especially for HR software and services companies, who face a highly competitive and complex landscape. HR software and services companies need to stand out from the crowd, demonstrate their value proposition, and convince potential buyers that they can solve their pain points and deliver results. 

But how can you generate more demand with Human resources buyers? What are the best tactics and strategies to use? In this blog, we will share with you some of the most effective demand generation tactics for HR software and services companies, and how you can implement them in your own marketing campaigns. These tactics are: 

  • Peer review sites 
  • High quality lead providers 
  • Intent data 

By using these tactics, you can increase your brand awareness, generate more qualified leads, and accelerate your sales cycle. Let's dive into each of them and see how they work 

Peer Review Sites 

Peer review sites are online platforms where users can rate and review different products and services based on their own experiences. Examples of peer review sites for HR software and services include G2, Peerspot, and Trustradius. Peer review sites are a powerful demand generation tactic for HR software and services companies, because they: 

  • Provide social proof and credibility for your products and services, as potential buyers can see how other customers have benefited from them. 
  • Boost your online visibility and SEO, as peer review sites rank well on search engines and drive organic traffic to your website. 
  • Generate high-quality leads, as peer review sites attract users who are actively looking for solutions to their problems and have a high purchase intent. 
  • Enable you to collect feedback and insights from your customers, which you can use to improve your products and services, and tailor your marketing messages. 

To leverage peer review sites for demand generation, you need to: 

  • Claim and optimize your profile on the relevant peer review sites for your niche, and make sure you have accurate and up-to-date information about your products and services, such as features, benefits, pricing, and customer support. 
  • Encourage your existing customers to leave honest and detailed reviews on the peer review sites, and incentivize them with rewards, such as discounts, free trials, or gift cards. 
  • Respond to the reviews, both positive and negative, and thank your customers for their feedback, address their concerns, and showcase your expertise and professionalism. 
  • Promote your reviews on your website, social media, email, and other marketing channels, and use them as testimonials and case studies to showcase your success stories and value proposition. 
  • Monitor and analyze your reviews, and use them to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and to optimize your products and services, and your marketing strategy. 

High Quality Lead Providers 

High quality lead providers are companies that specialize in generating and delivering leads for specific industries, niches, or markets. They use various methods, such as outbound calling, content syndication, webinars, micro events, and more, to attract and engage prospects, and qualify them based on their needs, challenges, goals, and budget. High quality lead providers are a valuable demand generation tactic for HR software and services companies, because they: 

  • Save you time and resources, as you don't have to invest in building and managing your own lead generation campaigns, and you can focus on your core competencies and value proposition. 
  • Provide you with a steady and consistent flow of leads, as they have access to large and diverse databases of prospects, and they can segment and target them based on various criteria, such as industry, company size, location, job title, and more. 
  • Enhance your conversion rate, as they deliver leads that are pre-qualified, verified, and interested in your products and services, and they can also nurture them until they are ready to buy. 
  • Improve your ROI, as they charge you based on the results they deliver, and they can also track and measure the performance of their campaigns, and optimize them accordingly. 

To leverage high quality lead providers for demand generation, you need to: 

  • Research and compare different lead providers, and choose the ones that have experience and expertise in your niche, and that can offer you the best quality, quantity, and price of leads. 
  • Communicate and collaborate with your lead providers, and provide them with clear and specific information about your products and services, your target audience, your value proposition, and your goals and expectations. 
  • Integrate and align your lead providers with your sales and marketing teams, and ensure that they have a smooth and seamless handoff process, and that they share the same tools, systems, and metrics. 
  • Follow up and nurture your leads, and provide them with relevant and personalized content, offers, and solutions, and guide them through the buyer's journey, until they become customers. 
  • Evaluate and optimize your lead providers, and use data and feedback to assess their performance, and to identify areas of improvement, and to scale and grow your partnership. 

Intent Data 

Intent data is the information that reveals the online behavior and activities of your prospects, such as the keywords they search, the content they consume, the websites they visit, the events they attend, and more. Intent data is a crucial demand generation tactic for HR software and services companies, because it: 

  • Helps you identify and prioritize your most qualified and interested prospects, as you can see who is actively researching and looking for solutions like yours, and who has a high purchase intent. 
  • Enables you to personalize and tailor your marketing messages, content, and offers, based on the specific needs, challenges, goals, and interests of your prospects, and to deliver them at the right time and place. 
  • Increases your conversion rate and sales cycle, as you can reach out to your prospects when they are most ready and willing to buy, and you can provide them with the most relevant and compelling value proposition. 
  • Improves your customer retention and loyalty, as you can monitor and analyze the post-purchase behavior and satisfaction of your customers, and you can provide them with ongoing support, education, and upselling and cross-selling opportunities. 

To leverage intent data for demand generation, you need to: 

  • Source and collect intent data from various sources, such as your own website, social media, email, CRM, and analytics tools, as well as third-party platforms, such as intent data providers, peer review sites, online forums, and more. 
  • Segment and analyze intent data, and use it to create buyer personas, buyer journeys, and lead scoring models, and to identify the most relevant and effective marketing channels, tactics, and strategies for each prospect. 
  • Act on intent data, and use it to create and execute targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, and to engage and nurture your prospects with the right content, offers, and solutions, and to move them along the sales funnel. 
  • Measure and optimize intent data, and use it to track and evaluate the performance and ROI of your marketing campaigns, and to identify and address any gaps, issues, or opportunities, and to refine and improve your demand generation efforts 

Demand generation is a vital and challenging process for HR software and services companies, who need to stand out from the competition, and to attract and convert more prospects into customers. By using the demand generation tactics we discussed in this blog, you can increase your brand awareness, generate more qualified leads, and accelerate your sales cycle.