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How to generate more leads and sales without breaking the bank on big events 

Large events have been a staple of b2b marketing for decades. They offer a chance to showcase your brand, network with potential customers, and generate buzz around your products or services. But are they really worth it? 

According to Emulent, the cost per lead for B2B events and tradeshows can range from $180- $1800,  which is quite high compared to other marketing channels. And that's not even accounting for the time and resources required to plan, execute, and follow up on the event. 

Moreover, the ROI of large events is often misleading. Many sponsors rely on vanity metrics, such as impressions, reach, or brand awareness, to measure their success. But these metrics don't necessarily translate into actual sales or revenue. In fact, a study by Demand Gen Report found that only 35% of marketers can track the revenue impact of their events. 

So, what does this mean for b2b marketers in 2024? It may be time to evaluate whether large events may not be a viable or effective option for many businesses. Facing challenges such as budget constraints, travel restrictions, health risks, or changing customer preferences,  they may need to look for alternative marketing strategies that are more cost effective, less time consuming, and more aligned with their goals. 

We will explore some of the best b2b marketing strategies to replace large event sponsorships in 2024. These strategies include: 

  • Content syndication 
  • Direct mail 
  • Social media 

Content Syndication 

Content syndication is the process of distributing your existing content, such as  ebooks, white papers, or webinars, to third-party platforms or publishers. This way, you can reach a wider and more relevant audience, and generate more leads given your budget.  Most vendors also have a guaranteed cost per lead model which helps to optimize performance.  

Content syndication is a great alternative to large event sponsorships because you can also target your ideal buyers based on their demographics, interests, or pain points – even including ABM lists and specific job titles.  

Some of the benefits of content syndication are: 

  • It increases your brand awareness and thought leadership in your niche. 
  • Guaranteed cost per lead model . 
  • Predictable results, with quantifiable pipeline and revenue metrics for ROI.  

Some of the best practices for content syndication are: 

  • Choose the right partner – there are many options to choose from, make sure you understand your partners audience, reach and history of delivery.  Many vendors over promise and under deliver.  
  • Leverage content across all stages of the funnel, and score your leads accordingly based on engagement.  Engagement with an ebook reaches a prospect at a very different place in the buyer journey vs. a comparison report or case study.  
  • Nurture, and lead with the need. All syndication leads should be considered top of the funnel, which need additional nurturing before passing to sales.  When they do score up to reach out to sales, make sure your sellers are leading with a needs/solutions based message versus a content follow up script.  

Direct mail 

Direct mail is the process of sending physical mail, such as letters, postcards, brochures, or packages, to your prospects or customers. While it may be one of the oldest forms of direct marketing, it is seeing a performance rennessaince due to the saturation of email and phone marketing driven by automation and AI.  

Direct mail is a great alternative to large event sponsorships because it allows you to create a personalized and memorable experience for your recipients. You can also stand out from the noise and clutter of online marketing, and capture the attention and interest of your prospects or customers. And you don't have to spend a fortune or wait for months to see the results. 

Some of the benefits of direct mail are: 

  • It has a high response rate and ROI compared to other marketing channels. According to a report by the Data & Marketing Association, the average response rate for direct mail in 2019 was 4.9%, and the average ROI was 29%. 
  • It builds trust and loyalty with your prospects or customers. According to a study by MarketingSherpa, 76% of consumers trust direct mail when making a purchase decision. 
  • It allows you to segment and target your audience based on their location, behavior, or preferences.  
  • It integrates well with other marketing channels, such as email, social media, or webinars. You can use direct mail to drive traffic to your website, generate leads, or increase conversions. 

Some of the best practices for direct mail are 

  • Define your goal and audience for your direct mail campaign. You should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach with your direct mail. Intent data can be a great tool to target the right buyers.  
  • Design your mail piece to be eye-catching, engaging, and relevant. You should use high-quality images, colors, fonts.   
  • Include a clear and compelling CTA on your mail piece to prompt the recipient to take action. You should also provide multiple ways for them to respond, such as a phone number, a website, or a QR code. Test incentives to drive stronger engagement and conversion. 
  • Test and optimize your direct mail campaign. You should experiment with different elements of your mail piece, such as the size, shape, envelope, offer, or headline, to see what works best for your audience and goal. 

Social media 

Social media is the process of using online platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram, to communicate and interact with your prospects or customers. It is one of the most popular and effective forms of marketing, and it is constantly evolving and growing. 

Social media is a great alternative to large event sponsorships because it allows you to reach a large and diverse audience, build relationships and trust, and generate awareness and engagement. You can also use social media to showcase your brand personality, share valuable content, and collect feedback and reviews. And you don't have to rely on a third-party organizer or venue to host your event. 

Some of the benefits of social media are: 

  • It increases your brand visibility and recognition in your niche. According to a report by Sprout Social, 77% of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media. 
  • It drives more traffic and leads to your website or landing page. According to a report by HubSpot, 54% of social media users use social media to research products or services. 
  • It boosts your conversions and sales. According to a report by Hootsuite, 71% of consumers who have a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend it to others. 
  • It enhances your customer service and satisfaction. According to a report by Smart Insights, 63% of customers expect brands to offer customer service via social media. 

Some of the best practices for social media are: 

  • Choose the right platforms and channels for your audience and goal. You should focus on the platforms where your prospects or customers are most active and engaged, and where you can showcase your brand best. 
  • Create and share valuable and relevant content for your audience. You should provide content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience, and that aligns with your brand voice and tone. 
  • Engage and interact with your audience regularly. You should respond to their comments, questions, or feedback, and encourage them to participate in your conversations, polls, or contests. 

Measure and optimize your results. You should track and analyze the performance of your social media, content syndication, and direct mail campaigns, and use the data to improve your strategies and tactics. By doing so, you can increase your reach, engagement, and conversions, and achieve your marketing goals. 

In conclusion, b2b marketers can benefit from moving away from large events and adopting more cost-effective and targeted tactics that can generate high-quality leads and nurture them throughout the buyer's journey.  Large events are not only one of the least cost effective tactics in the B2B marketing playbook, it is also the most difficult to showcase return on investment given the costs. Content syndication, social media, and direct mail are three of the most effective tactics that can help you achieve this.