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The IT channel is a competitive and dynamic market, where channel partners need to constantly find new ways to attract and retain customers. One of the biggest challenges that channel partners face is generating high quality leads that in market, and do not require a lot of nurturing.

Many channel partners rely on digital marketing strategies, such as email, social media, and webinars, to generate leads. However, these strategies are often saturated, and can result in low response rates, high bounce rates, and low conversion rates. Moreover, these strategies can generate leads that are not qualified, and need a lot of follow-up and education before they are ready to make a purchase decision. 

So, how can channel partners generate high quality leads that are more likely to convert, and do not need a lot of nurturing? The answer is simple: direct mail and outbound calling. These are two of the most effective and underrated strategies for driving high quality leads for the IT channel. In this blog post, we will explain why direct mail and outbound calling work, and how you can implement them in your marketing strategy. 

Why Direct Mail and Outbound Calling Work

Direct mail and outbound calling are two of the oldest and most traditional forms of marketing, but they are still very relevant and powerful in today's digital age. Here are some of the reasons why direct mail and outbound calling work for generating high quality leads for the IT channel: 

  • They are personalized and targeted. Direct mail and outbound calling allow you to segment your audience based on their needs, preferences, and behavior, and tailor your message and offer accordingly. This way, you can ensure that you are reaching the right prospects, at the right time, with the right message. 
  • They are tangible and memorable. Direct mail and outbound calling create a physical and emotional connection with your prospects, that is hard to achieve with digital marketing. A well-designed direct mail piece or a friendly and professional phone call can stand out from the clutter, and make a lasting impression on your prospects. 
  • They are responsive and interactive. Direct mail and outbound calling enable you to elicit an immediate and direct response from your prospects, and engage them in a conversation. You can use direct mail and outbound calling to generate interest, curiosity, and urgency, and to qualify your prospects and move them along the sales funnel. 
  • They are measurable and trackable. Direct mail and outbound calling allow you to monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns, and to optimize them accordingly. You can use various tools and metrics, such as response rates, conversion rates, ROI, and feedback, to measure the effectiveness of your direct mail and outbound calling campaigns. 

By using direct mail and outbound calling, you can generate high quality leads that are more likely to convert, and do not need a lot of nurturing. These leads are optimal for channel partners, who can focus on closing the deals, and delivering value to their customers. 

How to Implement Direct Mail and Outbound Calling 

Now that you know why direct mail and outbound calling work, you might be wondering how to implement them in your marketing strategy. Here are some tips and best practices for creating and executing successful direct mail and outbound calling campaigns: 

  • Define your goals and objectives. Before you start your campaign, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and how you will measure it. For example, do you want to generate awareness, interest, or action? Do you want to increase your brand recognition, generate leads, or drive sales? How will you track and evaluate your results? 
  • Identify and segment your audience. The next step is to identify and segment your target audience, based on their characteristics, needs, and behavior. You need to understand who your ideal prospects are, what their pain points and challenges are, and how your products or services can solve them. You also need to know where they are in the buyer's journey, and what kind of message and offer they are most likely to respond to. 
  • Create your message and offer. Once you have your audience segments, you need to create your message and offer, that will resonate with them, and motivate them to take action. Your message and offer should be clear, concise, and compelling, and should highlight the benefits and value of your products or services. You should also include a clear and strong call to action, that tells your prospects what you want them to do next, and how they can do it. 
  • Design and deliver your direct mail and outbound calling campaigns. The final step is to design and deliver your direct mail and outbound calling campaigns, in a way that maximizes your response and conversion rates. For direct mail, you need to choose the right format, size, color, and layout, that will catch your prospects' attention, and convey your message and offer effectively. You also need to choose the right timing, frequency, and delivery method, that will ensure that your direct mail reaches your prospects at the right moment. For outbound calling, you need to prepare a script, that will guide your conversation, and help you overcome objections, and close the deal. You also need to train your callers, to ensure that they are friendly, professional, and persuasive, and that they follow the best practices of outbound calling, such as respecting the do-not-call list, using a local number, and leaving a voicemail. 

By following these tips and best practices, you can create and execute direct mail and outbound calling campaigns, that will generate high quality leads for the IT channel, that do not require a lot of nurturing, and that are optimal for channel partners 


Direct mail and outbound calling are two of the most effective and underrated strategies for driving high quality leads for the IT channel. They are personalized, targeted, tangible, memorable, responsive, interactive, measurable, and trackable, and they can generate leads that are more likely to convert, and do not need a lot of nurturing. These leads are optimal for channel partners, who can focus on closing the deals, and delivering value to their customers. 

If you want to learn more about how to use direct mail and outbound calling to generate high quality leads for the IT channel, contact us today. We are experts in direct mail and outbound calling, and we can help you create and execute successful campaigns, that will boost your lead generation, and grow your business.