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5 must haves for a great microevent

Written by Chris Rack | Jun 14, 2024 5:59:04 PM

How to plan and execute a successful small-scale event that can boost your b2b marketing strategy 

If you are a b2b marketer, you know how challenging it can be to stand out from the crowd and attract your ideal customers. You also know how important it is to build trust and rapport with your prospects and clients, and to showcase your expertise and value proposition. One of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is to host a microevent. 

A microevent is a small-scale event that focuses on a specific topic or niche, and that involves a limited number of attendees and speakers. Microevents can be online or offline, and can range from webinars and workshops to roundtables and networking sessions. Microevents are not only more affordable and manageable than larger events, but they also offer several benefits for your b2b marketing strategy, such as: 

  • They can help you generate qualified leads and nurture them through the sales funnel. 
  • They can help you establish your authority and credibility in your industry and niche. 
  • They can help you create meaningful connections and relationships with your audience and peers. 
  • They can help you increase your brand awareness and visibility. 
  • They can help you collect valuable feedback and insights from your target market. 

However, not all microevents are created equal. To make the most of your microevent, you need to plan and execute it with care and attention. You need to ensure that your microevent delivers value and satisfaction to your attendees, and that it aligns with your marketing objectives and brand identity. In this blog post, we will share with you five must haves for a great microevent that can take your b2b marketing to the next level. 

A clear and specific goal 

Top of the list for planning your microevent is to define your goal. What do you want to achieve with your microevent? What is the main message or takeaway that you want to convey to your audience? How will you measure the success of your microevent? 

Having a clear and specific goal will help you shape the content, format, and promotion of your microevent. It will also help you select the right audience, speakers, and partners for your microevent. Your goal should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, your goal could be to generate 50 new leads for your product or service, to increase your email list by 10%, or to boost your social media engagement by 20%. 

A well-defined and segmented audience 

The next thing you need to do is to identify and segment your target audience. Who are the ideal attendees for your microevent? What are their pain points, challenges, needs, and interests? How can you reach them and invite them to your microevent? 

Segmenting your audience will help you tailor your microevent to their preferences and expectations. It will also help you create a more personalized and engaging experience for them. You can segment your audience based on various criteria, such as: 

  • Firmographics:  location, company size, industry, job title, etc. 
  • Psychographics: values, attitudes, motivations, goals, etc. 
  • Behavior: online activity, purchase history, engagement level, etc. 
  • Stage in the buyer's journey: awareness, consideration, decision, etc. 

Once you have segmented your audience, you can create buyer personas that represent your ideal attendees. Buyer personas are fictional profiles that describe the characteristics, needs, and goals of your target audience. They can help you craft your microevent content, design, and promotion in a way that resonates with them and attracts them to your microevent. 

A relevant and valuable topic 

Choosing a topic for your microevent is crucial. Your topic should be relevant and valuable to your target audience and your goal. It should address a specific problem, challenge, or opportunity that your audience faces, and provide a solution, insight, or benefit that they can apply to their situation. 

Your topic should also be unique and compelling. It should stand out from the crowd and capture the attention and curiosity of your audience. It should showcase your expertise and differentiation, and position you as a thought leader and a trusted advisor in your industry and niche. 

To choose a relevant and valuable topic for your microevent, you can use various sources and methods, such as: 

  • Keyword research: use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz to find out what keywords and phrases your audience is searching for online, and what questions and topics they are interested in. 
  • Social media listening: use tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Mention to monitor what your audience is talking about, sharing, and engaging with on social media platforms, and what trends and issues they are following. 
  • Customer feedback: use tools like SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or Google Forms to collect feedback and opinions from your existing or potential customers, and to find out what their pain points, needs, and goals are. 
  • Competitor analysis: use tools like BuzzSumo, SimilarWeb, or SpyFu to analyze what topics and content your competitors are creating and promoting, and how you can differentiate yourself from them. 

A captivating and interactive format 

Next on the agenda, nailing the format of your microevent. Your format should be captivating and interactive, and suit your topic, goal, and audience. It should keep your attendees engaged and interested throughout your microevent, and encourage them to participate and contribute to the discussion. 

There are many formats that you can choose from for your microevent, depending on whether it is online or offline, and how much time and resources you have. Some of the most popular and effective formats are: 

  • Webinar: a live or recorded presentation that you deliver online, usually with slides, audio, and video. You can also include polls, quizzes, Q&A sessions, and chat features to make your webinar more interactive and dynamic. 
  • Workshop: a hands-on and practical session that you conduct online or offline, where you teach your attendees a new skill, technique, or tool that they can use to solve their problem or achieve their goal. You can also include exercises, assignments, feedback, and group work to make your workshop more engaging and productive. 
  • Roundtable: a facilitated and moderated discussion that you host online or offline, where you invite a small group of experts, influencers, or peers to share their opinions, insights, and experiences on a specific topic or issue. You can also include questions, comments, and debates to make your roundtable more lively and informative. 
  • Networking: a casual and informal session that you organize online or offline, where you connect your attendees with each other and with yourself, and where you encourage them to exchange ideas, contacts, and opportunities. You can also include icebreakers, games, and challenges to make your networking more fun and memorable. 

A strategic and creative promotion 

An event with no attendees isn’t exactly a win, so a key to success sits in the promotion of the campaign.  Your promotion should be strategic and creative, and reach your target audience and persuade them to register and attend your microevent. It should also build anticipation and excitement for your microevent, and create a sense of urgency and scarcity. 

There are many channels and tactics that you can use to promote your microevent, depending on your budget, audience, and goal. Some of the most effective and popular ones are: 

  • Email marketing: use your email list to send invitations, reminders, and follow-ups to your potential and registered attendees, and to share valuable and relevant content and information about your microevent. 
  • Social media marketing: use your social media platforms to announce, share, and update your audience about your microevent, and to create and join conversations and communities around your topic and niche. 
  • Content marketing: use your blog, podcast, video, or other content formats to create and distribute content that showcases your expertise, value proposition, and differentiation, and that educates and entertains your audience about your topic and microevent. 
  • Influencer marketing: use influencers, experts, or partners in your industry and niche to endorse, recommend, or co-host your microevent, and to leverage their audience, credibility, and authority.

To make your promotion more effective and efficient, you should also use tools like Eventbrite, Meetup, or Zoom to create and manage your microevent registration, landing page, and communication. You should also use tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or HubSpot to track and measure your promotion performance and results. 


Hosting a microevent can be a powerful and rewarding way to boost your b2b marketing strategy and achieve your marketing goals. However, to host a great microevent, you need to plan and execute it with care and attention. You need to have a clear and specific goal, a well-defined and segmented audience, a relevant and valuable topic, a captivating and interactive format, and a strategic and creative promotion. By following these five must haves, you can create a microevent that can generate leads, build trust, and grow your brand.